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No projecto desta moradia houve a intenção de destacar os seus volumes e simultaneamente assumir a fruição do espaço interior em moldes de promenade. O quarto principal localizado no piso térreo isola-se do resto do edifico ligando-se a este através de um percurso que nos transporta de uma forma intimista entre o jardim e o azul da enorme piscina que se prolonga pelo interior da moradia e que divide os espaço de refeições do salão principal.

O amplo hall onde a escadaria parece flutuar dá-nos logo de inicio uma sensação liberdade e dimensão espacial invulgar.

In the project of this house, it was intended to highlight its volumes, and simultaneously assume the fruition of the interior space, in promenade molds. The main bedroom, located on the ground floor, is isolated from the rest of the building, connecting to it through a way, which transports us in an intimate way, between the garden and the blue of the huge swimming pool that extends through the interior dwelling and dividing the dining space of the main hall.
The large hall, where the staircase seems to float, gives us a sensation of freedom and unusual space dimension.

Moradia Unifamiliar



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